Thursday, August 02, 2007

it's funny how we humans fall in and out of love.
howcome we can love so many pple when we just have one heart.
howcome we cry when we're sad
And laugh when we're happy?
how did God made this happen?
it's just so amazing.
really it is.
how the sunsets,how the sunrises.
how the rain fall n how the rainbow appears.
how the moon is forme, how the stars twinkle.
really makes my heart so brimwith pride.

Today was the last day of dancesport..
was so nervous during the test..haha
but manage to pull through it..
took pictures with melvin!
he funny..haha kept suaning rainee abt bangala dance..
hahaha poor girl..
she was like gonna strangle him..LOL
anyway pics below.